a 12 day plan to change your habits for good!

Everything you need to know about the program that will change your life:

  • The Detox Program is the best way to completely cleanse and reset your body and mind.

    No hunger and no madness! We're going to eliminate toxins by focusing on strategies that will improve immunity. You will lose weight, have normal bowel movements again, and you'll be full of energy!

    This is a 12-days program aimed at health, without stress or pressure, to change your eating habits and overall lifestyle to start a “listen to your body" process.

    The purpose of this Program is to provide nutritional support to facilitate the toxin elimination process. The results are weight loss and reduction (or complete disappearance) of symptoms associated with the accumulation of toxins in the body, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, fatigue, infertility, allergies, behavioral disorders and neurological conditions.

    No need to worry about counting calories or starving! You will receive all the information needed in order to know what to eat and, more importantly, what NOT to eat within the 12 days. Changing habits and establishing a new routine is not always easy, and a certain degree of commitment and challenge is necessary, however, we're in this together! I'm ready to walk with you through the entire process and I'm sure we'll have a lot to celebrate in the end.

  • EVERYBODY! Literally, everyone can participate on my Detox Program. This is about learning to eat real food to reduce inflammation.

    Everything that the body cannot digest and excrete ends up stored in our bodies in the form of fat (at the butt, belly, legs… or worse, in the organs!). That messes everything and generates a lot of problems, such as headaches, insomnia, hormonal and mood disturbances, skin and intestinal problems.

    *Got food intolerance? No worries! I'll adapt the program to fit your needs.

  • After registering, you will receive an email with all the material you will use during the program: "Clean Eating Healthy Living Guide", a recipe book, a shopping list and a link to join a Telegram group.

    I will be with you every step of the way through the platform Telegram (group setting - 24/7) for 12 days).

    The group takes place at the Telegram, where all subscribers will be and where you will receive my support, daily challenges, informative videos, recipes, ask questions and share your experience (if you wish to share).

    After the end of the 12 days, you will be able to schedule (included in the program price), a 30-minute one-on-one coaching session with me to review results and plan your next steps towards a healthier life. You need to schedule your free consultation up to 30 days after the detox program has ended.

  • We have 4 Detox Groups per year. Check out the dates below to choose one that fit better with your schedule & sign up.

    Feel free to join the four of them as well! They were each designed to follow a season of the year, the needs of our bodies throughout the weather changes and, of course, to make the best use of fruits and vegetables that are in season.

    Currently, the Detox Program is offered in Portuguese only. If you wish to join a group in English, click here to add your name to the waiting list at the bottom of this page.

If you wish to participate in a Detox Program held in English, please fill out this form.